Research Article

Nontoxic Multinodular Goitre and Incidental Thyroid Cancer: What Is the Best Surgical Strategy?—A Retrospective Study of 2032 Patients

Table 2

Early complications depending on the specific type of surgery.

Type of surgeryComplicationsChi2

RLNPTT18 (2.07%)84915 (1.73%)8523 (0.34%)864
STT5 (1.07%)459<0.013 (0.64%)461<0.052 (0.43%)4600.25
DO2 (0.28%)6992 (0.28%)6990 (0.0%)701

OTTT42 (4.84%)825
STT6 (1.29%)458<0.0001
DO9 (1.28%)692

POBTT11 (1.26%)856
STT4 (0.86%)4600.209
DO3 (0.42%)698

Total complicationsTT71 (8.18%)796
STT15 (3.23%)449<0.0001
DO14 (1.99%)687

RLNP: recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis; URLPN: unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis; BRLNP: bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis; OT: overt tetany; POB: postoperation bleeding; TT: total thyroidectomy; STT: subtotal thyroidectomy; DO: Dunhill operation.