Research Article

Clinical Characteristics of Aldosterone- and Cortisol-Coproducing Adrenal Adenoma in Primary Aldosteronism

Table 2

Baseline biochemical and hormonal parameters of A/CPA and pure APA patients.

A/CPA patientsPure APA patients value

Hypokalemia (%)90.91%89.66%1.000
Serum potassium (mmol/L)2.537 ± 0.1542.475 ± 0.5600.9683
Plasma aldosterone (ng/dL)23.49 ± 14.2024.23 ± 6.9860.2213
ARR151.6 ± 146.3139.1 ± 112.30.9664
Saline infusion test: aldosterone (ng/dL)16.079 ± 4.31021.845 ± 6.7730.1397
Basal cortisol 8:00 am (nmol/L)391.5 ± 135.6343.6 ± 131.80.2033
ACTH 8:00 am (pmol/L)5.974 ± 4.6955.015 ± 2.7810.9222
UFC/24 h (nmol/day)455.6 ± 288.5302.4 ± 204.70.1858
Cortisol after 1 mg dexamethasone test (nmol/L)119.5 ± 76.2637.05 ± 10.0240.0098
Cortisol after low-dose dexamethasone (nmol/L)235.8 ± 234.3
Cortisol after high-dose dexamethasone (nmol/L)116.5 ± 24.47

ARR: aldosterone-to-plasma renin activity ratio; ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone; UFC: urinary free cortisol; the lowest cortisol value that can be detected in our laboratory is 25.7 nmol/L. Thus, the results of a fraction of pure APA patients who underwent the 1 mg dexamethasone test could not be used in this analysis due do cortisol levels < 25.7 mmol/L. .