Clinical Study

Total Parathyroidectomy with Subcutaneous Parathyroid Forearm Autotransplantation in the Treatment of Secondary Hyperparathyroidism: A Single-Center Experience

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients and biochemical analyses before and after total PTX with forearm AT.

Total population

Male n (%)14 (36.8)
Age (year)56 ± 13
Dialysis vintage (months)80 ± 44
Pre-iPTH (pg/ml)1621 ± 532
Post-iPTH (pg/ml)57 ± 70
 <108 (21.1)
 10–7026 (68.4)
 >704 (10.5)
6 months iPTH (pg/ml)55 ± 66
 <101 (2.6)
 10–7035 (92.1)
 >702 (5.3)
12 months iPTH (pg/ml)55 ± 70
24 months iPTH (pg/ml)57 ± 72
36 months iPTH (pg/ml)58 ± 76
60 months iPTH (pg/ml)61 ± 93
Follow-up time after PTX + AT (months)109 ± 19
Long-term hypoparathyroidism1 (2.6)
Persistent hyperparathyroidism2 (5.3)
Recurrence hyperparathyroidism2 (5.3)
Autograftectomy3 (7.9)

Data are show as mean ± standard deviation or number (%). Abbreviations: PTX: total parathyroidectomy; AT: autotransplantation; Pre-iPTH: preoperative intact-parathyroid hormone; Post-iPTH: postoperative intact-parathyroid hormone; 6, 12, 24, 36, and 60 months iPTH: intact-parathyroid hormone measurement at 6, 12, 24, 36, and 60 months, respectively, after PTX + AT.