
Corrigendum to “Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Pituitary Adenomas by Integrating Analysis of Microarray Data”

Table 1

Revised characteristics of the individual studies.

GEO IDNormal : caseContributorYear

GSE42370 : 10
8 resected human pituitary tumor (1 recurrent + 1 nonrecurrent + 1 invasive + 1 noninvasive + 4 undefined) +2 HP75 tumor cell line
Hussaini IM2006
GSE228120 : 13
Prolactin pituitary tumors (5 noninvasive + 2 invasive + 6 aggressive-invasive)
Wierinckx A2011
GSE463110 : 16
16 somatotroph adenoma (also known as growth hormone-producing somatotroph pituitary adenomas)
Lekva T2013
GSE363143 : 4
4 human prolactinoma
3 human normal pituitary
Oyesiku NM2012
GSE516183 : 7
3 pituitary glands
7 NFPAs (nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas) (4 noninvasive NFPAs + 3 invasive NFPAs)
Feng J2013