Research Article

Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and Keratoconus: Is There an Association?

Table 1

Diagnostic criteria of KC based on Pentacam tomography.

1K-max reading >48 D
2Superior-inferior difference on the 4.0 mm circle on the sagittal map >2.5 D
3Inferior-superior difference on the 4.0 mm circle on the sagittal map >1.5 D
4Superior-inferior corneal thickness difference on the 4.0 mm circle >30 μm
5Y-coordinate value of the thinnest location <−0.5 mm
6Values >15 μm within the central 4.0 mm on the anterior elevation map (best-fit sphere)
7Values >20 μm within the central 4.0 mm on the posterior elevation map (best-fit sphere)
8Thinnest corneal thickness on the pachymetry map <470 μm

KC: if 4 or more of the above criteria. KC suspect: if 2-3 of the above criteria. No KC (normal): if 0-1 of the above criteria. Note: whenever the participants had bilateral findings, the patient was labeled according to the worse eye.