
Corrigendum to “Expression of Intratumoral IGF-II Is Regulated by the Gene Imprinting Status in Triple Negative Breast Cancer from Vietnamese Patients”

Figure 4

((a), (b), and (c)) Western blot of paired normal/malignant TNBC samples (1–48). The total number of samples () analyzed per group was as follows: Heterozygous (Het; ), Homozygous with SNP (Hom SNP; ), and Homozygous (Hom; ). Bar graphs (a–c) of free proIGF-II (17.5 kDa) and Survivin (16.5 kDa). Ponceau red staining was used to normalize for sample loading. Bars represent the mean ± SE of all normalized samples per group. Asterisks indicate values statistically significant () using the Wilcoxon paired 𝑡-test.