Research Article

Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Level Correlates with Lipoprotein Subfractions in Obese Nondiabetic Subjects

Table 3

Linear regression analyses of log10 PAI-1 in all study participants.


Body mass index0.578<0.001
Waist circumference0.579<0.001
Lipid parameters
 Log10 triglyceride0.421<0.001
 Total cholesterol−0.1670.14
 VLDL subfraction0.2840.01
 Midband (IDL) subfraction−0.482<0.001
 Apolipoprotein B−0.0780.51
 Log10 large LDL subfraction0.382<0.001
 Log10 small-dense LDL subfraction0.3150.01
 Mean LDL size−0.447<0.001
 Apolipoprotein AI−0.426<0.001
 Log10 large HDL subfraction−0.569<0.001
 Log10 intermediate HDL subfraction−0.523<0.001
 Log10 small HDL subfraction0.1770.11
Inflammatory markers
 Log10 hsCRP0.444<0.001
 Log10 interleukin-60.485<0.001
 Log10 tumor necrosis factor-α0.223<0.05
Oxidative stress markers
 Oxidized LDL0.1710.13
 Log10 PON1 paraoxonase activity−0.1570.16
 PON1 arylesterase activity−0.1940.09
 Log10 myeloperoxidase0.1290.26

HDL: high-density lipoprotein; hsCRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; PON1: paraoxonase-1.