Research Article

Immediate Surgery Might Be a Better Option for Subcapsular Thyroid Microcarcinomas

Table 1

Characteristics of the study subjects.

STM (N = 93)NSTM (N = 195)P value
Number Number

Age (year)43 (35 – 42)41 (33 – 49)0.267
Male23 (24.7%)45 (23.1%)0.757
Size (cm)0.7 (0.5 - 0.8)0.7 (0.6 - 0.8)0.985
Microsciopic-ETE67 (72.0%)0≤ 0.001
Macroscopic-ETE42 (45.2%)0≤ 0.001
 Sternothyroid muscle220≤ 0.001
 RLN150≤ 0.001
Lymph node metastasis
 N1a37 (39.8%)61 (31.3%)0.154
 N1b5 (5.4%)10 (5.1%)0.929
Tumor multifocality16 (17.2%)32 (16.4%)0.866
Bilateral lesions12 (12.9%)36 (18.5%)0.237
Hashimoto's thyroiditis24 (25.8%)59 (30.3%)0.436

STM, subcapsular thyroid microcarcinoma; NSTM, nonsubcapsular thyroid microcarcinoma; ETE, extrathyroidal extension; RLN, recurrent laryngeal nerve; N1a, metastases to central cervical lymph nodes; N1b, metastases to lateral neck lymph nodes.
Continuous data are presented as the median with interquartile ranges.
Determined using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Determined using the Chi-square test.
Determined using the Fisher's exact test.