Research Article

Use of FreeStyle Libre Flash Monitor Register in the Netherlands (FLARE-NL1): Patient Experiences, Satisfaction, and Cost Analysis

Table 3

Follow-up data and measurements after 6 and 12 months.

(i) Scores from EQ-6D and SF-12v2 questionnaires
(ii) HbA1c levels within the preceding 6 months, to be reported both by the user and the healthcare professional
(iii) Any diabetes-related hospitalizations
(iv) Changes in presence of complications
(v) Self-reported number of diabetes-related hospitalizations in the previous year
(vi) Self-reported estimated/felt/measured hypoglycemias in three months before filling out questionnaires; specific categorization for severe (grade III) hypoglycemia
(vii) Self-reported levels of working day losses or reduced functioning (including sports performance) due to dysregulation of DM
(viii) DVN questionnaire
(ix) Satisfaction from the use of FLS-FM