Research Article

The Association between a 24-Hour Blood Pressure Pattern and Circadian Change in Plasma Aldosterone Concentration for Patients with Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma

Table 2

Comparison of blood pressure measurements between patients with aldosterone-producing adenoma and essential hypertension.

APA (n = 27)EH (n = 27)P value

Mean BP (mm Hg)
 day time SBP143.8 ± 13.3137.9 ± 18.50.188
 day time DBP94.2 ± 10.489.4 ± 15.50.189
 night time SBP137.8 ± 15.0130.3 ± 19.60.120
 night time DBP87.9 ± 11.983.0 ± 17.70.242
Day-night BP difference (mm Hg)
 SBP5.85 ± 9.407.63 ± 11.200.530
 DBP6.41 ± 6.346.30 ± 6.780.951
Relative night time decline (%)
 SBP4.01 ± 6.525.38 ± 7.850.490
 DBP6.84 ± 6.917.24 ± 8.210.845
 BP pattern (dipper/nondipper)5/227/200.513

dippers were defined as those with a >10% decline in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Note: day-night BP difference calculated as day time BP minus night time BP, and relative night time decline calculated as: (day time BP – night time BP) ÷ day time BP × 100%
APA, aldosterone-producing adenoma; BP, blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; EH, essential hypertension; SBP, systolic blood pressure