Research Article

High-Normal Preconception TSH Levels Have No Adverse Effects on Reproductive Outcomes in Infertile Women Undergoing the First Single Fresh D5 Blastocyst Transfer

Table 2

General characteristics between pregnant and nonpregnant women.


Age (years)30.06 (4.15)29.88 (3.79)0.514
BMI (kg/m2)23.36 (3.07)23.7 (3.23)0.136
AMH (pmol/L)34.13 (20.9)36.97 (22.98)0.074
TSH (mIU/L)2.43 (0.88)2.36 (0.83)0.260
FT4 (pmol/L)16.45 (2.05)16.61 (2.04)0.282
Basal FSH (IU/L)6.79 (1.75)6.78 (1.73)0.943
Endometrial thickness (mm)11.56 (2.21)11.82 (2.28)0.108
Duration of infertility (year)3.36 (2.56)3.15 (2.37)0.231
Number of retrieved oocytes17.85 (4.46)17.31 (4.7)0.099
Insemination method of transferred blastocyst0.350
IVF258 (81.4%)399 (78.7%)
ICSI59 (18.6%)108 (21.3%)
Quality of transferred blastocyst0.005
Top quality225 (71%)403 (79.5%)
Nontop quality92 (29%)104 (20.5%)
Ovarian stimulation protocol0.078
GnRH agonist306 (96.5%)499 (98.4%)
GnRH antagonist11 (3.5%)8 (1.6%)
Type of infertility0.219
Primary164 (51.7%)240 (47.3%)
Secondary153 (48.3%)267 (52.7%)
Infertility treatments
None209 (65.9%)367 (72.4%)0.268
IUI once50 (15.8%)65 (12.8%)
IUI twice35 (11%)47 (9.3%)
IUI more than 3 times23 (7.3%)28 (5.5%)
Causes of infertility
Male factors62 (19.6%)118 (23.3%)0.036
Female mixed factors14 (4.4%)29 (5.7%)
Ovulation failure27 (8.5%)38 (7.5%)
Pelvic and fallopian tube factors116 (36.6%)162 (32%)
Factors on both sides66 (20.8%)133 (26.2%)
Unexplained32 (10.1%)27 (5.3%)