Research Article

Analysis of the Relationships between Multiple Endocrine Hormones and Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) in Cardiac Arrest Patients: Possible Association of the Serum Free T4 Level with ROSC

Table 1

Comparison between the ROSC and non-ROSC groups.

ROSC group (n = 17)Non-ROSC group (n = 12) value

Sex (male/female)12/55/70.1194
Age (y)83 (52–92)78 (41–93)0.4077
Temperature (°C)37.2 (32.0–38.4)34.6 (32.0–38.0)0.9087
Arterial blood gas (pH) [7.35–7.45]6.954 (6.685–7.405)6.824 (6.415–7.418)0.1943
Arterial blood PO2 (mmHg) [80–100]78.2 (33.8–157)92.8 (37.4–167)0.1694
Arterial blood PCO2 (mmHg) [35–45]58.1 (10.0–337)29.1 (9.1–288)0.4263
Arterial blood bicarbonate (mEq/L) [21–27]18.4 (8.4–36.5)17.9 (8.5–33.5)0.8407
Lactic acid (mmol/L) [0.5–2.0]10.6 (5.89–18.0)13.6 (1.67–23.4)0.3085
Na (mEq/L) [135–147]142 (134–147)146 (134–164)0.2202
K (mEq/L) [3.6–5.0]5.8 (3.3–8.1)6.9 (4.7–12.9)0.0061
White blood cell count (/μL) [3500–9100]10500 (5000–17100)11350 (3800–17800)0.9860
Blood glucose (mg/dL) [70–109]248 (60–554)135 (23–671)0.2630
TSH (μIU/mL) [0.390–4.010]2.211 (0.296–7.954)3.292 (0.260–45.89)0.2230
F-T3 (pg/mL) [2.2–4.1]2.56 (1.99–3.64)2.40 (1.60–4.64)0.5874
F-T4 (ng/dL) [0.83–1.71]1.00 (0.64–1.63)0.91 (0.56–1.06)0.0491
ACTH (pg/mL) [7.2–63.3]25.4 (2.7–269)31.9 (4.7–152)0.8283
Cortisol (μg/dL) [4.5–21.1]13.2 (4.3–41.3)27.6 (2.5–74.1)0.0424
GH (ng/mL)4.04 (0.37–24.5)4.79 (0.16–11.7)0.5849
IGF-1 (ng/mL)74 (15.0–146)39.3 (8.4–188)0.4206
Aldosterone (pg/mL) [35.7–240]135 (49.3–260)186 (49.6–3038)0.0290
PRA (ng/mL/h) [0.2–2.7]2.3 (0.4–31.9)2.4 (0.3–69.4)0.2153

Data are shown as medians (range), except sex. Normal reference ranges are given in square brackets. values were determined by logistic regression analysis, except for sex (chi-squared test).  < 0.05. ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; Na, sodium; K, potassium; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; F-T3, free T3; F-T4, free T4; ACTH, adrenocorticotrophic hormone; GH, growth hormone; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor-1; PRA, plasma renin activity.