Research Article

Parathormone Levels in a Middle-Eastern Healthy Population Using 2nd and 3rd Generation PTH Assays

Table 1

Baseline clinical and biological characteristics of the overall sample, men, and women.

Overall sample N = 341Men N = 110Women N = 231Test value

Age (years)43.6 ± 11.845.7 12.242.5 ± 11.5T0.021
Creatinine (μmol/L)64.3 ± 13.176.2 ± 12.658.6 ± 9.0T<0.001
eGFR (ml/mn)105.4 ± 13.7102.5 ± 13.9106.7 ± 13.4T0.008
Calcium (mmol/L)2.40 ± 0.082.42 ± 0.072.40 ± 0.08T0.047
PTH 2nd G (pg/mL)48.9 [34.9–66.0]46.5 [37.8–66]51.2 [33.5–68.0]U0.788
PTH 3rd G (pg/mL)23.9 [17.6–30.5]23.1 [18.6–30.6]24.5 [17.2–30.4]U0.798
25(OH) D (ng/mL)27.5 [23.9–32.6]27.2 [24–32.6]27.6 [23.8–32.8]U0.840

Data are expressed as mean ± SD or median and its interquartile range (Q1–Q3) PTH and 25(OH)D. denotes variables with a significant departure of normality as detected by Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Shapiro–Wilk test and inspected graphically by quartile-quartile plots. T test: independent samples T test; U test: Mann–Whitney U test.