Research Article

A Comparison of Two Operation Methods Revealed the Risk Factors and the Necessity of LN-prRLN Dissection in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study in FUSCC

Table 3

Univariate analysis of factors associated with LN-prRLN metastasis.

VariablesLN-prRLNM+LN-prRLNM−OR value
(N = 129)(N = 249)

Age42.57 ± 10.9043.41 ± 11.150.99 (0.97–1.01)0.481
Sex (female vs. male)85 (65.89%)/44 (34.11%)206 (82.73%)/43 (17.27%)0.40 (0.25–0.66)≤0.001
Multifocality (yes vs. No)49 (37.98%)/80 (62.02%)80 (32.13%)/169 (67.87%)1.29 (0.83–2.02)0.255
Size (mm)13.9 ± 9.19.6 ± 6.32.14 (1.55–2.95)≤0.001
Extrathyroidal extension (yes vs. No)21 (16.28%)/108 (83.72%)15 (6.02%)/234 (93.98%)3.03 (1.51–6.11)0.002
Co-HT (yes vs. No)36 (27.91%)/93 (72.09%)104 (41.77%)/145 (58.23%)0.54 (0.34–0.85)0.009
Co-nodular goiter (yes vs. No)15 (11.63%)/114 (88.37%)43 (17.27%)/206 (82.73%)0.63 (0.34–1.18)0.152
Central LNM
cLNMa (yes vs. No)107 (82.95%)/22 (17.05%)103 (41.37%)/146 (58.63%)6.89 (4.08–11.64)≤0.001
cLNManumber3 (0–29)0 (0–9)1.56 (1.39–1.75)≤0.001
cLNMa size0.81 ± 0.570.77 ± 0.511.14 (0.67–1.95)0.630
Lateral LNM (yes vs. No)53 (41.09%)/76 (58.91%)35 (14.06%)/214 (85.94%)4.26 (2.58–7.04)≤0.001

Co-HT: concurrent Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; Conodular goiter: concomitant with nodular goiter; cLNMa: central lymph nodes anterior to the right recurrent laryngeal nerve.