Research Article

Minor Change of Plasma Renin Activity during the Saline Infusion Test Provide an Auxiliary Diagnostic Value for Primary Aldosteronism

Figure 2

Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves of PRA post-SIT, ΔPRA, and ARR post-SIT for primary aldosteronism (PA) diagnosis. PRA post-SIT (a), ROC curve of plasma renin activity after the saline infusion test; ΔPRA (b), ROC curve of reduction in PRA during the saline infusion test; and post-SIT ARR (c), ROC curve of aldosterone-renin ratio after the saline infusion test to diagnose PA. AUC indicates the area under the receiver-operator characteristics curve, and ΔPRA indicates reduction in PRA during SIT and diagnostic accuracy of ΔPRA, PRA post-SIT, and ARR post-SIT for PA.