Research Article

EU-TIRADS-Based Omission of Fine-Needle Aspiration and Cytology from Thyroid Nodules Overlooks a Substantial Number of Follicular Thyroid Cancers

Table 3

EU-TIRADS-based indication of FNA. Both the EU-TIRADS score and nodule size influence the indication.

Largest diameterFollicular cancer (n = 30)Medullary cancer (n = 23)Papillary cancer (n = 221)
Number of lesionsFNA indicated, n (%)Number of lesionsFNA indicated, n (%)Number of lesionsFNA indicated1, n (%)

≤10 mm20 (0)10 (0)630 (0)
10–20 mm95 (55.6)98 (88.9)10085 (85.0)
>20 mm1919 (100)1313 (100)5858 (100)

EU-TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System of the European Thyroid Association. 1According to the suggestions of the EU-TIRADS, FNA was considered indicated even if it was substantiated only on the presence of pathological lymph nodes.