Research Article

EU-TIRADS-Based Omission of Fine-Needle Aspiration and Cytology from Thyroid Nodules Overlooks a Substantial Number of Follicular Thyroid Cancers

Table 4

The occurrence of individual suspicious ultrasound characteristics in three subtypes of thyroid cancer. For comparison, previously published data are given ([11], [1417], [22], [33], [3956]).

Follicular cancerMedullary cancerPapillary cancer
Mean ± SDMedian (range)Mean ± SDMedian (range)Mean ± SDMedian (range)

Marked hypoechogenicity
 Present study22.2 ± 19.444.4 ± 27.825.0 ± 43.5
 Literature data5.2±15.33.6 (2.5–10.9)29.3±11.132.7 (19.6–52.4)38.5±24.632.7 (17.1-84-9)
 Present study44.4 ± 27.844.4 ± 27.865.0 ± 47.9
 Literature data16.2±22.17.7 (0–61.5)37.0 ± 8.837.5 (16.7–47.2)49.5±25.050.9 (17.8–89.1)
Irregular shape
 Present study11.1 ± 11.133.3 ± 50.032.0 ± 22.0
 Literature data17.0±17.514.1 (0–44.4)27.4 ± 19.736.4 (2.9–63.1)40.8±25.036.4 (9.6–74.0)
Irregular borders
 Present study33.3 ± 50.055.6 ± 52.746.0 ± 50.0
 Literature data23.3±19.422.0 (0–60.9)37.9±22.445.2 (0–63.6)48.2±28.940.4 (22.3–92.9)

All values are given in %.