Research Article

A Comparison of the Blood Glucose, Growth Hormone, and Cortisol Responses to Two Doses of Insulin (0.15 U/kg vs. 0.10 U/kg) in the Insulin Tolerance Test: A Single-Centre Audit of 174 Cases

Table 2

Glucose, cortisol, and growth hormone responses to the ITT.

Standard dose 0.15 U/kgLow dose 0.10 U/kg

Glucose (mmol/L)n = 113n = 61
Nadir mean ± SD (range)1.07 ± 0.36 (0.30–2.20)1.16 ± 0.40 (0.40–2.10)
Growth hormone (µg/L)n = 112n = 60
Adequate response (>3.0) n (%)82 (73.2%)45 (75.0%)
 Mean ± SD (range)13.3 ± 8.8 (3.1–44.9)16.5 ± 12.4 (3.1–55.6)
Time point when >3n (% of 82)n (% of 45)
 0 min.6 (7%)5 (11%)
 30 min.25 (30%)14 (31%)
 45 min.63 (77%)33 (73%)
 60 min.81 (99%)43 (96%)
 90 min.82 (100%)45 (100%)
 120 min.
Inadequate response (≤3.0) n (%)30 (26.8%)15 (25.0%)
 Mean ± SD (range)1.1 ± 0.8 (0.1–2.8)1.3 ± 1.0 (0.03–2.9)

Cortisol (nmol/L)n = 106n = 60
Adequate response (>450) n (%)77 (72.6%)32 (53.3%)
 Mean ± SD (range)560 ± 66 (456–799)519 ± 61 (452–731)
Time point when >450n (% of 77)n (% of 32)
 0 min.3 (4%)1 (3%)
 30 min.5 (6%)2 (6%)
 45 min.36 (47%)7 (22%)
 60 min.71 (92%)26 (81%)
 90 min.77 (100%)32 (100%)
 120 min.
Borderline response (400–450) n (%)10 (9.4%)7 (11.7%)
 Mean ± SD (range)417 ± 27 (403–439)424 ± 15 (409–440)
Inadequate response (<400) n (%)19 (17.9%)21 (35.0%)
 Mean ± SD (range)233 ± 133 (19–393)284 ± 121 (7–397)

vs. standard, vs. standard.