In the article titled “Prognostic Factors for COVID-19 Hospitalized Patients with Preexisting Type 2 Diabetes” [1], the authors would like to update the Authors’ Contributions section to note the equal contribution of Yuanyuan Fu and Ling Hu. The updated section is as follows.

Authors’ Contributions

YD and LH conceived and supervised the study. LH, QSZ, CS, YM, LW, JJH, and CZW collected the epidemiological and clinical data. LH, YZ, SC, and HWR contributed to radiological figure interpretation. YF and ZW processed and conducted statistical data analyses. YF, ZW, and RY drafted the manuscript. All the authors reviewed and approved the final version for publication. YF and LH contributed equally to this study. YD and YF are responsible for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the analyzed data.