Research Article

Effects of Low-Dose Spironolactone Combined with Metformin or Either Drug Alone on Insulin Resistance in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Pilot Study

Table 4

Compliance among the three groups during 12 weeks of treatment.

MET group (n = 54)SPI group (n = 53)COM group (n = 51)

Nausea6 (11.1%)3 (5.88%)5 (9.43%)
Diarrhea3 (1.67%)2 (3.92%)3 (5.66%)
Vomiting1 (1.85%)01 (1.89%)
Polyuria01 (1.96%)0
Dry mouth02 (3.92%)0

MET: metformin; SPI: spironolactone; COM: combined.