Research Article

Gemstone Spectral CT Virtual Noncontrast Images and Iodine Maps for the Characterization of Thyroid Lesions and Distinguishing Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma from Nodular Goiter

Figure 5

Axial true noncontrast (TNC) and venous-phase virtual noncontrast images (VNC) from a 44-year-old woman with papillary carcinoma (right side) and nodular goiter (left side). The absolute attenuation between TNC (a) and VNC (b) images for papillary carcinoma (3.8 HU) was smaller than that for nodular goiter (10.5 HU). The iodine density (c) of nodular goiter (left side) was higher than that of papillary carcinoma (right side) (45.89 vs. 37.14; cutoff = 38.35).