Research Article

Analysis of Soil-Vegetation Interrelationships in a South-Southern Secondary Forest of Nigeria

Table 5

Result of canonical correlation analysis of relationships between soil and vegetationa.

VariablesCanonical variates

Soil properties
 Exchangeable sodium0.580.38
 Organic matter0.710.15
 Exchangeable calcium0.040.16
 Sand content−0.300.64
Redundancy coefficient0.190.12
Vegetation characteristics
 Tree size0.820.57
 Tree density0.99−0.15
Redundancy coefficient0.830.16
Canonical correlation coefficient0.990.97
Squared canonical correlation0.980.94
Degree of freedom (df)104

underlined with canonical loadings ≥ ±0.70 are considered significant.
at 5% significance level.