Research Article

Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Rainforest Using Dipterocarp Trees in Sarawak, Malaysia

Table 5

Seedlings height (cm), diameter (mm), and percentage of survivors (%) in relation to all planted individuals at 81 months of seven dipterocarp forest species.

SpeciesHeight (cm)Diameter (mm)Survivor (%)
GrasslandSecondary forestLogged forestGrasslandSecondary forestLogged forestGrasslandSecondary forestLogged forest

Dryobalanops beccarii 438.3 (ns)370.4 (a)335.7 (a)54.0 (ns)26.8 (ab)26.4 (a)6.6 (b)45.4 (ab)45.2 (ab)
Parashorea macrophylla 356.1 (ns)169.4 (b)81.7 (d)56.6 (ns)30.2 (a)11.9 (d)13.7 (b)70.7 (a)36.5 (ab)
Shorea  macrophylla 557.5*†(—)160.4 (b)178.9 (bc)83.0*† (—)21.2 (bc)22.8 (ab)0.0 (b)43.9 (ab)52.3 (a)
S. ovata 232.0 (—)272.0 (a)261.6 (ab)24.7 (—)20.0 (c)16.8 (bcd)0.6 (b)50.9 (a)9.1 (b)
S. parvifolia 440.7 (ns)350.8 (a)111.5 (cd)71.7 (ns)26.7 (abc)11.4 (cd)18.5 (ab)25.7 (b)11.8 (b)
S. seminis 414.3 (ns)204.5 (b)143.3 (cd)47.2 (ns)21.4 (bc)17.5 (c)39.5 (a)51.1 (ab)54.6 (a)
S. virescens 383.4 (ns)195.8 (b)234.2 (b)61.7 (ns)20.8 (c)24.0 (ab)10.3 (b)63.9 (a)40.9 (ab)

Data at 62 months after planting.We exclude from statistical test due to less than three individuals remained.
Different letters indicate significant differences among species in each treatment by ANOVA with Bonferroni’s test ( ).