Research Article

Selective Herbicides for Cultivation of Eucalyptus urograndis Clones

Table 2

Prevalence of bare ground 30, 60, and 90 days after treatment (DAT) for herbicides applied over newly planted Eucalyptus urograndis rooted cuttings either prior to weed emergence (PRE) or after weed emergence (POST). Treatments were evaluated at the end of the month indicated for each application timing and periodic assessment.

TreatmentBare ground cover (%)1
HerbicideRate (g ha−1)30 DAT60 DAT90 DAT2

Applied PRE weed emergence3

Flumioxazin290 ai74 e41 d21 b–e
Flumioxazin430 ai80 de48 cd38 a
Imazamox140 ae74 e38 d21 b–e
Imazamox280 ae80 de55 cd29 a–c
Imazapic140 ae92 a–c77 a–c34 ab
Imazapic210 ae94 ab84 a37 a
Oxyfluorfen1120 ai57 f13 e14 de
Oxyfluorfen2240 ai89 a–d45 d14 de
Sulfometuron26 ai84 c–e51 cd17 c–e
Sulfometuron53 ai86 b–d64 bc26 a–d
Sulfometuron105 ai95 a81 a31 a–c
Nontreated control33 g19 e13 e
Complete weed control999792

Applied POST weed emergence3

Flumioxazin290 ai25 f–i30 bc29
Flumioxazin430 ai27 f–h31 bc28
Imazamox4140 ae40 de34 bc38
Imazamox4280 ae57 a–c44 ab38
Imazapic4140 ae53 b–d43 ab39
Imazapic4210 ae70 a54 a42
Oxyfluorfen1120 ai17 hi27 bc23
Oxyfluorfen2240 ai22 g–i27 bc28
Sulfometuron26 ai43 c–e28 bc33
Sulfometuron53 ai36 ef26 cd28
Sulfometuron105 ai58 ab38 a–c34
Nontreated control15 i13 d21
Complete weed control989295

LS-means within a column followed by the same letter for PRE or POST applications are not significantly different at using Fisher’s protected LSD. Means are for the two E. urograndis clones combined, since clone effects were not significant. LS-means for the complete weed control treatment were not included in LSD comparisons, because this treatment was applied repeatedly to provide as close to 100% bare ground as possible and was intended for comparisons of eucalyptus growth response to weed control.
2The effect of treatment was not significant for bare ground cover at 90 DAT for POST applications.
3PRE weed emergence treatments were applied April 29, 2009; POST weed emergence treatments were applied May 30, 2009. Seedlings were planted April 14, 2009.
4A nonionic surfactant was added at 0.25% (v/v) for POST applications of imazamox and imazapic as directed by herbicide labels.