Research Article

Selective Herbicides for Cultivation of Eucalyptus urograndis Clones

Table 6

Survival and stem volume index of Eucalyptus urograndis trees at the end of the first growing season for preemergence (PRE) or postemergence (POST) applications of various herbicides, in comparison to a nontreated control and complete weed control obtained with repeated foliar sprays of glyphosate herbicide, directed carefully to weeds.

TreatmentRate (g ha−1)Survival1Stem volume index1,2

Flumioxazin290 ai100 a100 a157 bc46 c–e
Flumioxazin430 ai100 a100 a226 bc55 c–e
Imazamox3140 ae100 a100 a200 bc315 b
Imazamox3280 ae100 a100 a91 cd116 c
Imazapic3140 ae64 b100 a41 de55 c–e
Imazapic3210 ae63 b100 a22 e56 c–e
Oxyfluorfen1120 ai100 a100 a173 bc91 cd
Oxyfluorfen2240 ai100 a100 a403 b65 c–e
Sulfometuron26 ai100 a100 a175 bc47 c–e
Sulfometuron53 ai100 a100 a276 b26 e
Sulfometuron105 ai100 a100 a348 b65 c–e
Nontreated control100 a100 a42 de42 de
Complete weed control100 a100 a2665 a2665 a

LS-means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at = 0.05 using Fisher’s protected LSD. Means are for the two E. urograndis clones combined since clone effects were not significant.
2Stem volume index (SVI) = ; GLD5 = outside bark stem diameter 5 cm above the ground; = live stem height.
3A nonionic surfactant at 0.25% (v/v) was added for POST applications of imazapic and imazamox as directed by the herbicide label.