Research Article

Synchrony in Leafing, Flowering, and Fruiting Phenology of Senegalia senegal within Lake Baringo Woodland, Kenya: Implication for Conservation and Tree Improvement

Table 1

Phenological events of S. senegal within Lake Baringo woodland ecosystem for years 2014 and 2015.


TangulbeiApr. (Sep.)Aug. (Feb.)May (Oct.)Jun. (Dec.)May (Sep.)Oct. (Feb.)Jun. (Oct.)Jul. (Dec.)
Kampi Ya SamakiApr. (Sep.)Aug. (Feb.)May (Oct.)Jun. (Dec.)May (Sep.)Oct. (Feb.)Jun. (Oct.)Jul. (Dec.)
KimalelMay (Sep.)Oct. (Feb.)Jun. (Oct.)Jul. (Dec.)Jun. (Sep.)Nov. (Feb.)Jul. (Oct.)Aug. (Dec.)
Lake BogoriaMay (Sep.)Oct. (Feb.)Jun. (Oct.)Jul. (Dec.)Jun. (Sep.)Nov. (Feb.)Jul. (Oct.)Aug. (Dec.)

LI: leaf initiation; LFI: leaf fall initiation; PFL: peak flowering month; PFR: peak fruiting month.