Research Article

Can Carbon Sequestration in Tasmanian “Wet” Eucalypt Forests Be Used to Mitigate Climate Change? Forest Succession, the Buffering Effects of Soils, and Landscape Processes Must Be Taken into Account

Figure 7

(a) Organic matter/clay coatings on blocky peds in the subsoil (the Bhs horizon) of the Podzol in sandy colluvium under rainforest at Eleven Road. Vertical section, 10 cm from top to bottom. (b) NMR spectrum for the organic matter/clay coatings; from right to left, the four peaks represent alkyl-C (0–50 ppm), O-alkyl-C (50–110 ppm), aryl-C (110–145 ppm; arrowed), and O-aryl-C (145–160 ppm).