Research Article

The Social and Economic Significance of Natural Gum and Resin in the Woodlands of South Omo Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Table 6

Views of respondents on the future gum-resin resources management and commercialization.

ItemsYes (%)No (%)

Do you know about the abundant existence of gum-resin producing tree/shrubs in your local area?97.42.6
Would you harvest gum-resin for local use?62.638.4
Would you harvest for sale?91.58.5
Are there business cooperative associations?33.068.0
Do you want to be a member of gum-resin collection?92.27.8
Is gum-resin collection the simplest and fastest means to earn income for school children and women?84.016.0
Is income from gum-resin products used as safety net during recurring famine eras?84.016.0
Are there scientific tapping techniques?75.025.0

Source: survey data (2018/19).