Research Article

Farmer’s Perceptions of Agroforestry Practices, Contributions to Rural Household Farm Income, and Their Determinants in Sodo Zuria District, Southern Ethiopia

Table 5

Adopters and nonadopters mean annual household farm income (ETB) from agroforestry practices.

Types of agroforestry practicesAdoptersNonadoptersStatistical value
MeanStd.MeanStd.t value

Tress on range land agroforestry practices17048.3414387.7510918.426319.8472.5540.012
Scattered trees on cropland agroforestry practices2977.571710.0012017.36981.7953.2250.002
Woodlot agroforestry practices5208.353205.1853571.152334.1882.4510.016
Home garden agroforestry practices3520.023437.3402973.9675356.9350.7010.484

Significant at the probability level of 1%. Source: own survey, 2021.