Research Article

Molecular Characterization and Tissue Localization of an F-Box Only Protein from Silkworm, Bombyx mori

Figure 4

Western blot analysis of BmFBXO21 expression. (a) Western blot of recombinant BmFBXO21 induction. Samples were resolved by 12% SDS PAGE under reducing conditions (M,1,2,3 SDS-PAGE; Western blotting; lane lysate from E. coli without induction, lane lysate from E. coli after induction, lane purified fusion protein, lane M size markers). Arrow denotes the fusion protein. (b) Western blot analysis of native BmFBXO21 expression. The BmFBXO21 extracted from spinning silkworm was used as the antigen.( M,1,2 SDS-PAGE; Western blotting; lane negative control, lane extracts from spinning silkworm, lane M size markers). Arrow denotes the BmFBXO21 protein.