Research Article

The Analysis of Multiple Genome Comparisons in Genus Escherichia and Its Application to the Discovery of Uncharacterised Metabolic Genes in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli CFT073

Table 1

Strains of genus Escherichia used in this study, all with completely sequenced genomes or whole genome shotgun sequences freely available from GenBank. Unless otherwise indicated, they are Escherichia coli.

Strain Type Sorbose operon Source/Accession number

CFT073 UPEC (uropathogenic) + AE014075
F11 UPEC + AAJU00000000
536 UPEC + CP000247
UTI89 UPEC + CP000243

042 EAEC (enteroaggregative) Sanger Center
B7A ETEC (enterotoxigenic) AAJT00000000
E24377A ETEC CP000800

B171 EPEC (enteropathogenic) AAJX00000000
E22 EPEC AAJV00000000
E2348 EPEC Sanger Center
E110019 EPEC AAJW00000000

53638 EIEC (enteroinvasive) AAKB00000000
MG1655 Commensal (Gastrointestinal tract) U00096
HS Commensal (Gastrointestinal tract) CP000802

SMS-3-5 Environmental + CP000970
O157:H7 str. Sakai EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic) + BA000007
O157:H7 EDL933 EHEC + AE005174

Shigella sonnei 53G Bacillary Dysentery + Sanger Center
Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301 Bacillary Dysentery + AE005674
Shigella dysenteriae Sd197 Bacillary Dysentery + CP000034