Research Article

Profiling of the Predicted Circular RNAs in Ductal In Situ and Invasive Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study

Figure 2

Schematic illustration of the two circRNAs C1 (hsa-circ-0001358) and C2 (hsa-circ-0122662) produced by the pre-mRNA of SEC62 gene. The heatmap showed the log expression values of the hsa-circ-0122662, hsa-circ-001803, and SEC62 in the two paired samples and two unpaired (b). The scatterplot showed the correlation between SEC62 (-axes) and the two circular RNAs, respectively (-axes): hsa-circ-0122662 and hsa-circ-0001358. Rho and values were obtained performing a Spearman rank test (c and d).