Research Article

Differential Expression Profiling of Long Noncoding RNA and mRNA during Osteoblast Differentiation in Mouse

Figure 6

Clustering analysis of time series lncRNAs during osteoblast differentiation. (a) Soft clusters of 3948 time series lncRNAs generated by Mfuzz. The numbers on the x-axis (time, 1–9) correspond to the nine time points of osteoblast differentiation (days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18). (b) Heat map of cluster 5. The color key indicates gene expression values (top left panel). Enriched GO terms and corresponding values in cluster 5 are shown (top right panel). Gene expression profiles of two representative lncRNAs, NONMMUG033994 (bottom left panel) and NONMMUG037688 (bottom right panel), visualized in the bottom panel. NONCODE v4 database ID.