Research Article

Analysis of the Phenotypes in the Rett Networked Database

Table 1

MECP2 patients classified as classic or atypical RTT according to the mutation types reported in RND (total number of patients 949).

Mutation typeTotal (%)
Classic RTT (%)
Atypical RTT (%)
value classic vs. atypical RTT

p.Arg106Trp31 (3.3)26 (83.9)5 (16.1)0.894
p.Arg133Cys62 (6.5)37 (59.7)25 (40.3)<0.0001
p.Thr158Met102 (10.8)91 (89.2)11 (10.8)0.182
p.Arg16880 (8.4)74 (92.5)6 (7.5)0.043
p.Arg255106 (11.2)96 (90.6)10 (9.4)0.076
p.Arg27062 (6.5)57 (91.9)5 (8.1)0.102
p.Arg29463 (6.6)59 (93.7)4 (6.3)0.041
p.Arg306Cys67 (7.1)58 (86.6)9 (13.4)0.663
C-Terminal deletion101 (10.6)78 (77.2)23 (22.8)0.027
Early truncating93 (9.8)80 (86)13 (14)0.713
Large deletion72 (7.6)65 (90.3)7 (9.7)0.173
Other110 (11.6)83 (75.4)27 (24.5)0.004

N: number of cases for which the corresponding item is present; percentage is provided in brackets; the value of significance is provided for comparison.