Research Article

Analysis of the Phenotypes in the Rett Networked Database

Table 2

Compliance of the RND data with the revised diagnostic criteria [11] for patients positive for a mutation in MECP2. Peripheral vasomotor disturbances are accounted for in the “small cold hands and feet” score. The item “diminished response to pain” is not present in RND data.

Clinical sign+ (%)

A period of regression743715 (96.2)
Necessary criteria
Partial or complete loss of acquired purposeful hand skills743673 (86.5)
Stereotypic hand movements880599 (68.1)
Partial or complete loss of acquired spoken language754513 (68.0)
Gait abnormalities821365 (44.5)
Supportive criteria
Breathing disturbances when awake824441 (53.5)
Bruxism when awake829515 (62.1)
Impaired sleep pattern926419 (45.2)
Abnormal muscle tone
Peripheral vasomotor disturbances
Scoliosis or kyphosis853444 (52.1)
Growth retardation771419 (54.3)
Small cold hands and feet16081 (50.6)
Inappropriate laughing or screaming spells560171 (30.5)
Diminished response to pain
Eye pointing958843 (88.0)

represents the number of cases for which the corresponding item is present in the patient file; + represents the number of cases positive for the clinical signs, and the percentage is provided in brackets. Growth retardation was considered to be present when the weight was below the 25th percentile. When height is considered, 54.3% of MECP2-positive patients are below the 25th percentile.