Research Article

Comprehensive Stress-Based De Novo Transcriptome Assembly and Annotation of Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.): An Important Industrial and Forage Crop

Table 3

Trinity assembly evaluation ( with Rcorrector) and TransRate.

Evaluation parameters

Counts of genes and transcripts
 Total Trinity genes61,508
 Total Trinity transcripts161,058
 GC percent39.27
Stats based on all transcript contigs
 Contig N502552
 Median contig length1351
 Mean contig length1651.22
 Shortest contig201
 Longest contig13,858
 Mean orf percent44.79
 Total assembled bases265,942,016
Stats based on only the longest isoform per gene (unigenes)
 Contig N502258
 Median contig length444
 Average contig1045.24
 Total assembled bases64,290,538