Research Article

Vaginal Microbiota Diversity of Patients with Embryonic Miscarriage by Using 16S rDNA High-Throughput Sequencing

Table 2

Comparison of Lactobacillus concentration in vaginal microbiota.


Control ()0 (0%)0 (0%)3 (12%)6 (24%)16 (64%)
Embryonic miscarriage ()5 (20%)4 (16%)14 (56%)2 (8%)0 (0%)

Lactobacillus concentration was categorized into four levels according to the number of Lactobacilli in each field of view and 5–8 fields were observed. No Lactobacillus was recorded as (-); less than 1 was recorded as (+); 1–5 was recorded as (++); 6–30 was recorded as (+++); and more than 30 was recorded as (++++). The metered data is recorded in (%), .