Research Article

A Novel Four-Gene Prognostic Signature as a Risk Biomarker in Cervical Cancer

Figure 6

Western blotting and clinical analyses. (a) Immunoblots for four-gene prognostic signature associated proteins DSG2 (CC , normal ), MMP1 (CC , normal ), SPP1 (CC , normal ), MCM2 (CC , normal ), and quantitative data. vs. normal. (b) Violin plots showing differences in the mean risk score in CC patients stratified by age (: vs ), tumor grade ( vs ), FIGO stage ( vs ), and LNM status ( vs ) (< 64 years old [], ≥ 64 years old []; grades G1-G2 [], G3 []; stages I-II [], III-IV []; LNM N0 [], LNM [N1 ]). represents significance between corresponding subgroups, according to unpaired Student’s -test. CC: cervical cancer; FIGO: Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique; LNM: lymph node metastasis (, ).