Research Article

NEIL3 Mediates Lung Cancer Progression and Modulates PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling: A Potential Therapeutic Target

Figure 1

Identification of NEIL3 as the interested gene in our study. Notes: (a–d) DEGs analysis was performed between the tumor and normal tissues in TCGA-LUAD and TCGA-LUSC; (e) a total of 1798 genes were commonly upregulated in TCGA-LUAD and TCGA-LUSC, as well as in paired samples; (f) a total of 1280 genes were commonly downregulated in TCGA-LUAD and TCGA-LUSC, as well as paired samples; (g) top 20 key nodes of the commonly upregulated and downregulated genes based on the PPI network.