Research Article

Early Breast Cancer Evolution by Autosomal Broad Copy Number Alterations

Figure 5

Frequency of patients by number of autosomal broad CNAs from 1 to 10 by chromosome arm and type of alteration. Lighter colored lines represent raw data while bolder colored lines represent trends of the data, fitted by local regression, for each plot. (a) Frequency of patients by number of autosomal broad CNAs for chromosome arm alterations greater than approximately 80% of all patients with 1 to 10 autosomal broad CNAs. (b) Frequency of patients by number of autosomal broad CNAs for chromosome arm alterations greater than approximately 40% but less than approximately 50% of all patients with 1 to 10 autosomal broad CNAs. (c) Frequency of patients by number of autosomal broad CNAs for chromosome arm alterations greater than approximately 20% but less than approximately 30% of all patients with 1 to 10 autosomal broad CNAs.