Research Article

Combination of BFHY with Cisplatin Relieved Chemotherapy Toxicity and Altered Gut Microbiota in Mice

Figure 4

Differences in the microbiomes of mice with cisplatin and combination with BFHY. LEfSe analysis was used to distinguish the differential microbiome between two groups. (a and c) Phylogenic relationship of tax, which is significantly different between NSCLC and Cis groups (a) and between Cis and BFHY (c). The different-colored nodes represent microbial populations that were significantly enriched in the corresponding groups and that showed significant differences between the groups. The yellow nodes indicate microbial groups that showed no significant differences between two groups. The circles going from the inside to the outside represent the phylum, class, order, family, and genus. (b and d) LDA was performed, and only the microbiota with LDA scores of >4 is shown. (e) Differential genus between NSCLC, Cis, and BFHY combination by heatmap.