Research Article

Measurement of Peat Soil Shear Strength Using Wenner Four-Point Probes and Vane Shear Strength Methods

Table 1

Major source of error in the vane shear test.

CauseEffectInfluence on Strength Measurement

Damaged zoneDisturbed soil excessivelyDecreases optimum strength

Vane rotated too fastSoil sheared too fastIncreases

Friction between torque rods and soil or casingMeasure torque includes a spurious component of resistanceIncreases

Poorly calibrated torque measurementInaccurate torqueIncreases or Decreases

Test performed in disturbed soilSoil structure is broken downDecreases

Isolated gravel/cemented nodulesMeasured torque includes a spurious component of resistanceIncreases

Unknown sand/silt/shell lensesDrainage during testIncreases