Review Article

Inferring Hydraulic Pressure Changes from Induced Seismicity Observations: Three Showcases from Geothermal Reservoirs

Figure 6

(a) Absolute hypocentre locations in perspective view with best-fitting plane determined by linear regression. The histogram on the right shows vertical distances of the absolute hypocentre locations to the best-fitting plane. Dotted curve indicates normal distribution with 0 mean and 30 m standard deviation. (b) Map view of fault plane solutions determined for the 40 strongest events. Fracture intersection of the Paralana-2 injection well is indicated by a yellow star. (c) Earthquake source-centred, stereographic projection (lower hemisphere) of -wave polarity data for the 40 strongest earthquakes. Beachball indicates compound fault plane solution. Coordinates are given with respect to the top of Paralana-2 (30.21287°S/139.72850°E).