Research Article

Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to Estimate the Shear Wave Velocity for Engineering Characterization of Soils at Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia

Table 3

Existing empirical correlations between Vs and SPT-N values employed for this investigation depending on the soil type from the other experts.

S.noAuthorsVs (m/sec)
Sandy soils

1Shibata [58]
2Ohta et al. [59]
3Imai [60]
4Imai and Tonouchi [61]
5Seed et al. [62]
6Sykora and Stokoe [63]
7Lee [64]
8HasanÒ«ebi and Ulusay [65]
9Hanumantharao and Ramana [66]
10Dikmen [67]
11Rahman [68]
12This study