Clinical Study

Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma as a Bridge to Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Study

Table 3

Adverse events following transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) (48 treatments in 30 patients).


Number of TACE/patient (mean, range)1.6 (1–7)
Adverse events (%)
 None20 (42)
 Yes28 (58)
 Minor events, number of TACE (%)24 (50)
   Pain in right upper quadrant18 (38)
   Nausea/emesis7 (15)
   Chemical arteritis5 (10)
   Corticosteroids-related diabetes unbalances2 (4)
   Ischemic hepatitis2 (4)
   Leucocytosis1 (2)
   Fever1 (2)
   Allergic reaction1(2)
 Major events, number of TACE (%)7 (15)
   Ischemic cholecystitis2 (4)
   Transient acute hepatic failure 2 (4)
   Thrombosis of superficial femoral artery1 (2)
   Splenic infarction1 (2)
   Ischemic atrophy of the left hepatic lobe1 (2)
   Acute renal failure1 (2)*
   Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis1 (2)*
   Sepsis1 (2)*
   Death1 (2)*

*Those events occurred in the same patient.