Clinical Study

Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma as a Bridge to Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Study

Table 6

Characteristics of patients with and without cancer recurrence after OLT (mean follow-up 56 months; range: 6–142 months).

No cancer recurrenceCancer recurrence *

Tumor response to TACE
 regression/stability (%)15 (71)0.051
 Progression2 (10)4 (80)
 Not evaluated4 (19)1 (20)
Milan criteria before OLT (%)
 within Milan19 (90)3 (60).1548
 outside Milan2 (10)2 (40)
Pathological tumor analysis (%)
 complete necrosis10 (48)0.066
 microscopic invasion03 (60).004
Mortality2 (10)4 (80).002

*One sided -values calculated using the Fisher exact test.