Research Article

Potential Antioxidant Role of Tridham in Managing Oxidative Stress against Aflatoxin-B1-Induced Experimental Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Table 5

Effect of TD on nonenzymic antioxidants and thiols in kidney of control and experimental animals.

ParametersGroup I (control)Group II (AFB1 induced)Group III (AFB1 induced + TD)Group IV (TD alone)

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Total thiols (TSH)
Non protein thiols (NPSH)
Reduced glutathione (GSH)

Units-GSH-mg/100 g tissue, Vitamin C and E-mg/g wet tissue, TSH and NPSH: μg/mg protein. Values are expressed as mean ± SD for six animals. Comparisons are made between “a” Group II versus Group I, “b” Group III versus Group II, “c” Group IV versus Group I. The symbol *represents the statistical significance at . NS: nonsignificant.