Review Article

Overview of Hepatocellular Adenoma in Japan

Figure 2

Serum amyloid A-positive hepatocellular neoplasm associated with alcoholic cirrhosis. (a) The boundary between serum amyloid A-positive hepatocellular neoplasm (SAA-HN) (asterisk) and nontumor tissues. Arrow indicates the boundary. ×40. (d) Serum amyloid A is expressed in the tumor, whereas it is negative in the background liver. Immunostaining for serum amyloid A, ×40. (b) Serum amyloid A-positive hepatocellular neoplasm (SAA-HN). Inflammatory cells infiltration, focal sinusoidal dilatation and ductular reaction are seen in the tumor. HE, ×200. (e) The cells in the nodule show extensive granular immunoreactivity for serum amyloid A. Immunostaining for serum amyloid A, ×200. (c) Background liver shows established micronodular cirrhosis consistent with alcoholic cirrhosis. HE, ×200. (f) The background liver shows negative immunoreactivity for serum amyloid A. Immunostaining for serum amyloid A, ×200.