Research Article

The Application of Selective Hepatic Inflow Vascular Occlusion with Anterior Approach in Liver Resection: Effectiveness in Managing Major Complications and Long-Term Survival

Table 3

Parenchymal transection, operation time, and the amount of blood loss during surgery.

Resected positionPatient—no. (%)Parenchymal transection time (minutes)Operation time (minutes)Amount of blood loss (ml)

Major liver resectionRight liver16 (22.2)
Left liver8 (11.1)
Left liver+segment 13 (4.2)
Posterior section+segment 51 (1.4)40170100
Anterior section+segment 61 (1.4)58270320
All major liver resection29
Minor liver resectionPosterior section14 (19.4)
Anterior section1 (1.4)75210210
Segment 5, 68 (11.1)
Lateral section8 (11.1)
Segment 13 (4.2)
Segment 82 (2.8)180
Others7 (9.7)
All minor liver resection43
All liver resections72