Research Article

Patients with Hepatitis C Infection and Normal Liver Function: A Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Assessment of Cognitive Functions

Table 6

Descriptive statistics of the Tower of London test, trail test, random letter test, Stroop test and digit test (forward and reverse order).

Control ()HCV ()
MedianStandard deviationMedianStandard deviation value

London tower29.005.6827.006.340.12
Trail making part A47.1031.9652.7719.300.10
Trail making part B121.0093.01149.0097.540.19
Trail Making B/A Ratio Score2.361.322.831.430.63
“A” random letters test0.840.830.51
Stroop test-part 1101.0027.10113.0043.850.14
Stroop test-part 2230.0048.04300.0054.870.09
Direct numerical order8.002.897.002.890.20
Indirect numerical order4.002.763.00NA0.08

Teste de Mann–Whitney.